For those wanting to maximise their career potential, networking with an executive search consultant is vital to their career strategy. However, many executives are often left unsure regarding how to begin forming relationships with executive search consultants. Whether you are in an active job search, or just assessing your career options, if you would like to start networking with executive search consultants, BlueSteps has put together a short guide to make things easier.

Become More Visible
Make sure that you are actively attempting to stand out from the competition. This can be done in a range of ways. Firstly, make sure that your online profiles are up-to-date and effectively written. When executive search consultants and potential employers search your name in a search engine, your LinkedIn profile is often the first thing that they will see, and your first opportunity to give a good impression.

Another way to become more visible is to become recognized as an industry expert. Take part in panelled events, write guest blog articles and take part in industry events and seminars, especially those which your target search consultants will be attending.

Be Prepared
When contacting an executive search consultant, they will often ask for your career documents, including your resume and cover letters, so getting these ready in advance would help them help you.

Use Your Existing Contacts
Networking is always made easier when you have a mutual connection with the person you wish to network with. If you know of any work colleagues with existing relationships with executive search consultants, it would be useful to ask them to make an introduction or personal referral on your behalf.

If You Don’t Have Existing Contacts
Not everyone will know someone who has existing contacts in the search industry. For those of you who don’t, it’s worth keeping the following in mind: Don’t send impersonal mass emails: these rarely achieve responses. Make sure that the emails that you do send are targeted outreach emails based on your function, industry and region. When sending these emails, ensure that they are to the point. Executive search consultants get a lot of emails from potential candidates, so the more direct the message the better.

Make It Mutually Beneficial
Executive search consultants are more likely to offer you support if they feel that the relationship is mutually beneficial.  Show them that you’re willing to open your network to them and provide them with contacts, and they will be sure to remember you for future searches.

Understand What They Are There For
Executive search consultants’ priority is their client: the company that hired them. While they are willing to help you seek the role you desire, they are there to serve the company. Those who fail to understand this put themselves at a disadvantage. Remember: search consultants are not here to advise you on your career, executive job search on your behalf, assist you with your resume, give you general interview tips, or help decide your next career move. This must be organized prior to networking with them.

Don’t Leave It Too Late
Relationships with executive search consultants should be established before you need them. If you think that it is probable that you will require their services in the future, as part of your executive career strategy, it is important not to delay making contact with them. Don’t wait till it’s too late.


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