The BlueSteps database of more than 75,000 senior executives is exclusively available to over 350 top executive search firms worldwide to use when they are searching candidates for top executive positions. Executives can rest assured knowing their career information will be made visible to only quality retained search firms, not their bosses, not their colleagues, and most certainly not contingency recruiters who will blast their executive resume or CV all over the internet.
We at the AESC constantly hear stories of how BlueSteps is used to source candidates for top executive jobs by search consultants at executive search firms around the world, and because of this, we see membership to BlueSteps as essential for any senior executive’s career management strategy, no matter what stage of their career – whether they or actively conducting an executive job search or not. Because of the many benefits and because it is a service tailored for executives only, BlueSteps can be considered “career insurance” as it’s a resource to turn to as you navigate each stage of your career.
All AESC member executive search companies receive routine training on how to find candidates like you using the BlueSteps database, which is an exclusive benefit to AESC member retained search firms. AESC members represent the industry’s most prestigious executive search firms—all adhere to the highest industry standards of quality and ethics.
Learn more from this sample of responses from AESC member search professionals who have sourced candidates using the BlueSteps database:
"If you are in search of career advancement, do scope BlueSteps. All of the AESC retained executive search firm members -- global and top boutiques -- use BlueSteps as a secondary research database when conducting assignments, so this is a very efficient way to get exposure and candidacy consideration with utmost confidentiality...the focus is top level: C-suite candidates, potential public company Board members, high pedigree High Potentials, etc."
~Nancy Keene, Director, Stanton Chase International
"We have been using BlueSteps religiously as one of our research tools. It has been very rewarding and we have gotten some excellent candidates for our search assignments out of the database. As a matter of fact, on more than one occasion the BlueSteps candidates ended up on our short list and were the successful candidate. We, at The Prout Group, are sold on BlueSteps."
~Pat Prout, The Prout Group
"I just did a search for a CFO in New York City and found two of the final four candidates at BlueSteps."
~John Ferneborg, Ferneborg Associates
Read more testimonials from executive recruiters at AESC member firms, and then consider registering for a BlueSteps membership—your membership will allow you to access the top executive headhunters in your industry and location. If you have any questions at all, please contact us directly at or call 1 (800) 363-1207 (or dial 1 (212) 398-2159 if outside of the US) —we’ll be more than happy to discuss what BlueSteps can offer you and how it can help you attract the attention of top executive search firms.
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