Ask an Expert Podcast Archive

Episode 8: How Can I Become a Better Leader and Executive?

In order to be a successful executive, it is important to have strong leadership skills that inspire your team and unify them around your organizational goals.

To help you learn what leadership skills are most critical for you to possess, we are talking with certified executive career coaches who specialize in leadership coaching on the BlueSteps Executive Career Services team.

Episode 7: What are Some Hiring Trends Being Seen in the United Kingdom?

Each geographic region has it's own unique challenges and opportunities when looking for an executive position.

In this episode, we look at executive-level hiring trends that are happening in the United Kingdom with Bernard Perry of TRANSEARCH. Bernard and Kathy look at various political and economic factors impacting the executive job market including Brexit and a rise in transitional roles.

Episode 6: What Is the Best Way to Approach the Job Market?

When beginning the executive job search process, sometimes getting started is the hardest part.

On this episode of our podcast, we guide you taking the first steps of an executive job search. Our host, Kathy Simmons, will share her own tips for assessing the job market, determining what kinds of new opportunities are right for you and advice you need to keep in mind throughout the entire job search process.

Episode 5: How Do I Write an International CV/Resume?

When writing a cross-cultural CV or resume, certain items on your resume need to be removed or made more prominent in order to make your resume highlight your unique talents and better set yourself up for success as a multinational candidate.

Maike Hennig, will join us on this episode to share her tips and advice as a resume writer specializing global resumes in English, Spanish and German. Maike is a Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) and member of the BlueSteps Executive Career Services team.

Episode 4: Do You Have Any Advice for First Time Board Members?

Landing their first board membership is a major career milestone for many executives. But, no matter how much experience they have working with boards, there is still a learning curve for many when starting in their first position.

To discuss how to succeed in your first board role, Mike Morrow, a Partner at AESC member TRANSEARCH USA, joined us for this Ask an Expert episode. Mike shared insights from his searches for board candidates and his own experience serving as a board member.

Episode 2: How Do I Evaluate A Company's Culture During the Interview Process?

Having a strong cultural fit not only can help you in the hiring process, but make you more successful in the long run. Employees who are a strong fit are more likely to perform better and stay longer at their organizations.

This makes corporate culture a key factor to consider during the hiring process. To explore the topic, we asked Amy Perrone, one of our Executive Career Services career coaches, to share the best ways to evaluate a company’s culture during the hiring process and how to factor it into your decision.

Episode 1: How Do I Build & Maintain Relationships with Executive Recruiters?

A relationship with executive search consultants can help you boost your career and gain exposure to the best jobs. But how do you begin one?

Learn how to build and maintain relationships with executive recruiters in a way that is valuable to both of you with advance from Glenda Brown, Managing Director of BlueSteps.


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