DiversityInc recently held a November 2011 event in Washington, DC. DiversityInc Vice President and Executive Editor Barbara Frankel presented findings from their recent Global Diversity survey, which surveyed more than 100 companies in 17 countries (in Europe, Asia and BRIC countries) on global diversity-management challenges and best practices.

Their findings include:

  • Efforts to value and measure difference, including gender, are challenges in most countries and are illegal in some European countries. Differences are not valued across the board
  • Disability recruitments are increasingly government-mandated in some countries (France, China, Brazil)
  • Corporate LGBT efforts are rare globally, except for IBM
  • Supplier-diversity efforts are minimal outside of the United States, even for gender

Leaders from five of The DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity also provided case studies during the two-day event’s sessions. They discussed the strategies needed to successfully leverage cultural differences among employees and the markets they serve, and how to increase business from a talent and performance standpoint.

Their best practices include:

  • Align diversity goals with core business values
  • Communicate those diversity-infused business goals to local regions
  • Be consistent across all regions and management levels
  • Hold leaders accountable for diversity goals

Read the complete 1,008-word article “Best Practices to Overcome Global Diversity Challenges” at DiversityInc, with full-length session videos, on DiversityIncBestPractices.com for more detail on how to implement these best practices at your organization.

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