We live in an extremely favorable moment in the global economy and there is no denying that Brazil is experiencing its best period. Structural changes in the world economy and economic reforms implemented in Brazil since the mid-1990’s has allowed our growth to more than double since 2004, and in 2010 it was the biggest growth in 25 years. Brazil has changed, and certainly for the better. The estimated growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at 4.5% for 2011 according to a survey released by the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) is yet another demonstration that the Brazilian economy is booming and has been strengthened after the world economic crisis of 2008 and 2009.



The volatility of economic growth associated with Brazil has decreased - the traditional up and down has given way to greater stability in the trajectory of economic expansion. According to the Economist, Brazil has already overtaken Italy as the seventh largest economy in the world.

With all this vigorous economic growth and stimulation, the search for and qualification of professionals has grown dramatically. A situation that is amplified by the competitiveness of the market where only the best will be considered. Not to mention the additional requirement of executives to navigate ongoing problems of operational inefficiency in Brazil.

Not only are the great centers of capital exports the focus of the executives, but also inner cities of Brazil have caught the attention of professionals who want to work for growing organizations, where they can build a career focused on the management of business processes. Of course the salary is lower in these centers, but the cost of living is lower and the quality of life is higher.

All this change of the economic axis, traditionally perceived in the hands of economies such as New York, London, Singapore and Hong Kong, has given rise to emerging economies. The prospectives for executives working in Brazil is also on the rise – Brazilians currently receive the highest senior executive salaries in the world according to research from Dasein Executive Search, as compared with the four capitals mentioned above.

In a hot market where everyone wants the best, it is hard to find a distinguished professional available in the market or from a database of resumes, especially for top management. The methodology of executive search, conducted by internationally certified firms by the AESC (Association of Executive Search Consultants), allows for a direct approach to find and validate professionals who are in their best professional moment. Retained executive search firms use extensive resources to ensure that not only are the required technical skills available, but also that behavioral and cultural aspects of the organization are a complete match.

Brazil is on the global focus and its participation in the economic realm has been of great importance. We have stopped being just the country of carnival, with great forests and the renowned tradition of football. Instead, we are now perceived as a country with a stable economy boasting cutting-edge technology with expertise in many areas such as oil and biofuels, and a country rich in many inputs in the production chain. Maybe it is the beginning of a highly competitive, major global power. Yes, it's Brazil’s time and there is nothing to left wonder: Brazil is the flavor of the month!

Dasein along with 300 other AESC member executive search firms have access to BlueSteps.com - the career management service for senior executives. Find out more how you can make your executive career details available to all AESC executive search firms.

** David Braga is the Business Manager at AESC executive search firm, Dasein Executive Search – david@dasein.com.br





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