BlueSteps recently hosted an #ExecCareer Chat on the topic of Increasing Your Visibility to Executive Search Consultants, featuring Catherine Bell, from BluEra, Frank Therber, from Daubenspeck & Associates, LTD., and John Touey, from Salveson Stetson Group Inc.
Some of the questions asked included:
How often do you recommend refreshing your executive search network of your status while searching and out of work?
How does one get in front of, without being too pushy, firms that conduct C-Level searches?
How can I find the executive recruiters that specialize in a specific field (in my case CIO) to contact?
What do you recommend executives include in an email when it’s the first point of contact with the search consultant?
What are some common mistakes to avoid when networking with executive search professionals?
When should I begin networking with executive search consultants?
If you missed it, catch up on all the excellent advice that was given in the Storify transcript below.
Join us for the next #ExecCareer chat! More info >>
BlueSteps (@BlueSteps) BlueSteps is an online career management service for senior executives. As an exclusive service of the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC), BlueSteps enables senior executives to be visible to more than 8,000 AESC member executive search professionals who use BlueSteps to locate candidates. BlueSteps also offers a full suite of career management tools and resources specifically for senior-level executives. For more information, please visit
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