The Evolution of the Great Resignation
The Great Resignation has been a reality for many businesses and employees alike. It has caused millions of employees to re-evaluate their careers and seek new opportunities.
Two years ago at this time, many people didn't know that The Great Resignation was going on but now everyone seems aware. The sad reality is that millions more employees continue seeking re-evaluation opportunities-leaving employers redefining retention initiatives. It's time to redefine your retention initiatives as new research becomes available that suggests how best to move forward in light of this shifting landscape.
The data tells a more complex story than the generalist headlines reveal. We have seen an evolution over time in how professionals are leaving and what they feel motivated by when doing so. While the general trend has been a rise in resignations, it is more complicated than that. The early 2020s saw an elevated number of retirements and early leaves from work for those who were not permanently leaving their profession. However, by late 2021 this change began to reverse itself with people quitting rather than getting laid off or retiring entirely. Now we're seeing many professionals taking advantage of new opportunities rather than sticking around only long enough at one place before moving onto something else.
What if the workplace is too traditional? What should we do to create a more modern, flexible, and creative space that enables our employees' needs while also leveraging their potential?
The changes in the workplace mean we must shift our focus from a one-size-fits-all approach to leading and managing. The need for a personalized approach to leading has never been more critical. The evolution of how people work tells us that there's no cookie-cutter solution for addressing what are often complex issues faced by organizations today; this is why it falls on each individual leader at different levels within an enterprise (from top-down or bottom-up) as well as those outside looking into these matters but involved enough themselves suchlike contractors/subcontractors etc., to really tune into their workforce motivations which can help guide decisions when trying to come out ahead.
The nuances of the Great Resignation are getting lost among generalized media headlines. The reality is the Great Resignation itself has evolved and looks different now than at the beginning of the pandemic. AESC member search firm Slayton Search Partners outlines the evolution and sheds light on what it means for both candidates and business leaders. Read more here.
Burnout Hits the C-suite
It's clear that many more executives are searching for jobs with better work environments. The lack of support across all organizational levels leaves them feeling torn between quitting or trying another position, but it seems they'll be leaving soon if things don't change.
The high number of executives considering quitting their jobs in search of a better balance between work and life is more than the rate seen among non-executive employees.
The pandemic is taking its toll on executives, who are now more focused on improving their health than advancing in careers. The majority think this event has negatively impacted their careers; with nearly all admitting to being affected by it—and not just emotionally but physically too. Over 81 percent said they’ve lost sleep because of worry or stress over what might happen next. It doesn't seem likely things will improve anytime soon either.
The pandemic has prompted a change in the way we approach work. Now everyone is rethinking what it means to be successful at work and at home. The C-suite hasn't had this problem before because those issues were traditionally solved within HR.
HR professionals are all too aware of this new reality where people-related issues have replaced traditional company fixes like budgeting or production planning. There has been a shift in the workforce as people are rethinking their roles and how they work together. The C-suite hasn't had to deal with these issues before, but now it's become imperative for them because of this pandemic. The changing landscape can be seen from many different perspectives. The C-Suite is now taking on new responsibilities.
According to a new study by Deloitte, 70% of executives are seriously considering quitting their jobs in search of roles that better support their well-being, compared to 57% of non-executive employees. What's driving the C-suite exodus -- stress, mental health, and burnout are at the top of the list. Read more here.