Exceptional findings from a recent BlueSteps survey reveal that senior-level marketing executives are concerned about the impact new technologies have on the role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). The survey demonstrated that many executives (68%) believe that their marketing teams are not equipped to handle the fast-paced changes in digital marketing; and as a result, those executives who learn how to adapt will be best positioned for new executive opportunities.

This recent trend has resulted in many CMOs turning to educational executive seminars and training to prepare their future career management strategies and keep ahead of the competition. With over 23-32% of those surveyed believing their social media and email marketing channels to be weak, it is clear that marketing departments need to adapt quickly.

The role of Chief Marketing Officer has already changed so much in recent years, leading many marketing executives to ponder the future of the CMO position. One marketing executive commented in the BlueSteps survey, “Marketing will increasingly act upon narrower target groups with a wide array of techniques and programs. The marketing plans will become more fragmented and coordination, funding, key metric definition and evaluation will become more complex.”

As a result of the fast-paced changes to the CMO role, BlueSteps has created a tailored executive seminar aimed to meet the concerns of marketing executives and aspiring marketing chiefs. This executive seminar will allow senior marketing executives to learn more about the CMO role from an expert panel of senior executive search consultants.

About BlueSteps
BlueSteps is an online career management service for senior executives. As an exclusive service of the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC), BlueSteps enables senior executives to be visible to more than 8,000 AESC member executive search professionals who use BlueSteps to locate candidates. BlueSteps also offers a full suite of career management tools and resources specifically for senior-level executives. For more information, please visit BlueSteps.com.


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