If you’re an executive who has conducted a job search, you know the key to success is to get noticed. Be a “mover” and a “shaker” in your industry or profession. Executive search consultants are seeking thought leaders and top professionals within their industry. To be recognized as such, you must be continuously networking, evolving your knowledge, and staying abreast of industry trends. There are numerous tactics you can incorporate to improve your visibility and increase your professional network.
Combining a handful of these strategies will get you noticed by recruiters and put you on the right track to land your dream job. Here is the first half of our 22 best ways to get noticed by executive search consultants:
1. Attend industry events and seminars
Proactively seek and attend industry events. This includes local events where you will have the opportunity to meet colleagues and senior-level leaders within the community and share your knowledge and experience as well as large industry events such as the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) where you will garner valuable information on current trends and have opportunities to network with global companies on the trade floor and through educational or networking events.
2. Create a professional website
Although few executives have one, a professional website can be a key strategy in landing your next role. Building a professional website allows you to have a repository of your achievements, current projects and professional background. Your website can include a comprehensive biography, your resume, projects or work samples. You can also include a professional blog on your website to share current industry events or innovations.
3. Moderate or panel webinars for organizations in your industry or current company
A great way to display your knowledge is to volunteer to moderate or serve as a panelist for webinars. As a moderator or panelist, you will have the opportunity to share some information about your professional background and your contributions to the discussion may capture the attention of a participant seeking their next executive leader. In addition, for public webinars you will increase your visibility in Google search results.
4. Post and join in on conversations on LinkedIn
As part of your LinkedIn strategy, join and participate in professional or industry specific groups—up to 50 groups on LinkedIn but choose wisely. Join professional association groups as well as those that have numerous like-minded participants and include many active conversations and discussions. Within these groups you can participate and comment on discussions as well as share educational or industry information. Recruiters follow professional groups to identify industry experts.
5. Start a professional blog
There is no better way to share your expertise than to start your own blog. It’s an opportunity to differentiate yourself and showcase your passion for your profession. It will also increase your visibility on the Internet. You can also reach out to industry experts or potential employers to contribute their expertise to your blog. What a great way to network!
6. Serve on an advisory board
Recruiters know that those who serve on advisory boards are enlisted because they are respected for their knowledge and industry expertise. When looking at a potential candidates’ background, recruiters are interested in knowing how you are contributing to your profession. You will also improve your group of trusted friends and peers who can help you along the way.
7. Become a contributor to your company’s blog or a relevant blog or publications.
Proactively outreach within your own company to find opportunities outside your normal scope of responsibility to highlight your contributions to the company as well as your knowledge of the company’s products, innovation, strategy and future vision.
8. Google yourself and find ways to Improve your ranking
Consistently Google yourself to determine where you turn up in Google search results and what results come up. Ideally, you want your LinkedIn profile, a personal website or any notable publications, webinars or other presentations to be your top listings. If they are not, it’s time to revamp, optimize or enhance these URLs with keywords and up-to-date information.
9. Join live discussions on social media sites such as, TweetChats
Showcase your knowledge by participating in or hosting a discussion such as a TweetChat, which is a live Twitter event, usually moderated and focused around a general topic. A TweetChat takes place at an established time so that the moderator, guests and hosts are all available to engage in the conversation.
10. Update your Blue Steps profile once a year or anytime your job changes
Continuously update your Blues Steps profile with your most recent achievements, new skills, and new responsibilities so recruiters have a good grasp of your current role and contributions.
11. Send a brief personalized email to those who specialize in your industry, function, and region
Make a personalized introduction to colleagues, hiring managers, or industry specific recruiters. This can be a casual email that simply introduces yourself, your admiration of their work or recognition of their contributions, and your interest in having a brief conversation with him/her to learn more about them and share more information about your background and how the two of you may be able to assist each other in your business endeavors.
View Part Two of our list of ways to get noticed by executive recruiters here.