The Latest CEO Insights & Trends 

1,095 profiles of CEOs at the largest publicly listed companies in 24 markets were analyzed for Heidrick & Struggles’ report, Route to the Top 2021. The results have found that companies are going back to a more expansive view of CEO succession. There has been a steady increase of CEOs appointed internally. Additionally, the report reveals that the share of women CEOs appointed in the same period doubled. 13% of all CEOs appointed in the first half of 2021 were women, compared to 6% in the previous six months. While this is an improvement, these numbers are still extremely low. The report explores a multitude of data and has found a return to pre-pandemic trends. Read the full report here. 


3 DEI Trends to Watch Out for in 2022 

While there isn't a one size fits all solution for organizations trying to tackle DEI issues, there are emerging trends that are foreseen to go mainstream. These trends can potentially change the game for DEI. Sheffield Haworth outlines the main challenges faced in 2021 and some issues that can continue into 2022. One trend from 2021 that will likely continue in 2022 is an increased focus on attracting talent from previously overlooked groups. Additionally, peer-to-peer inclusion could be more recognized in the coming year. It has been found that “interpersonal inclusion between peers helps with retention and growing the quality of employees’ human capital, thus contributing to team effectiveness more broadly.” Lastly, 2022 can see an increase in senior accountability by utilizing DEI metrics. Read the full article here. 

What’s in store for Women in the Workforce? 

How are women handling the workplace in the current state of the world? The data has shown us that female labor force participation is the lowest it's been in 33 years. Although the number of women in leadership is increasing, women are reporting to feel more burnout compared to men and this number has in fact doubled in the last year. This has led to women wanting to leave the workforce or slow down their careers. Slayton Search Partners conducted their own survey which found that 40% of women in the workforce cite negative consequences to their physical and mental health. It leads us to think, are "flexible" work environments enough, and are companies putting in efforts to combat this? Read the full article here.  


Utilizing Social Media in the Workplace 

4.5 billion of the world's population uses some kind of social media. This ever-growing phenomenon got organizations involved and in recent times, having a social media account for your company is almost a requirement. There are obvious positives to having a corporate social media presence. A step forward in social media for organizations could be having individual accounts for employees and other C-suite executives. A C-suite presence does the same thing in the context of company leadership (and) contributes to humanizing their company’s brand. The article also mentions 60% of employees considering joining a company will research a CEO’s social media accounts. Read the full article here. 


Insights from Top HR Professionals 

350 global HR leaders with the majority being CHROs were surveyed for Leathwaite’s annual Global HR report. A significant finding was that 20% of the HR leaders admitted that they will likely resign without another job lined up. These results are most likely due to HR leaders feeling less valued than they did in 2020. Additionally, 47% of respondents are back in the office 2-3 days on average and more traditional sectors like Private Equity are back in the office 4-5 days a week. The report covers trends across a broad range of topics such as budgets and headcounts, mental health, and the great resignation. Read the full report here. 


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